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She is perhaps the most popular Parisian boudoir photographer in Paris, having photographed hundreds of women of all shapes, sizes and ages for almost a decade. What sets me apart is not only the focus on creating stunning and charming glamorous images , beautiful albums and stunning framed wall photographs , but also creating an experience that builds your confidence. and is incredibly fun at the same time. If you want to gain confidence, celebrate who you are, and cherish the memory for a lifetime - book your photo session with me!

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boudoir, photographie, paris


Our boudoir photoshoots are fun, relaxed, creative and confidence-boosting. Our images are chic, playful, modern, provocative and everything in between.

femme, photographe, nu, paris


Fine art photography celebrating the female form - in all shapes and sizes. Dramatic black and white images capturing contours, curves, shadows and reflections in a naturalistic way.
A real experience!

Acceuil, mariage, future mariée séance photo paris, boudoir, mariage, genève, femme photog

The  boudoir Wedding

Séance photo sur le thème du Mariage ou de sa préparation. Que vous soyez une future mariée, une jeune fiancée.. ou pour un evjf,  nous pouvons organiser une séance photo sur mesure pour faire un cadeau à votre bien-aimé.. Il/elle surpris(e) par cette attention pleines de charmes, de volupté et de confiance. Sublimez et immortalisez ce moment que l'on ne vit qu'une fois dans sa vie! 

photographe, maternité, paris, noir et blanc

Enjoy a maternity photo session in our studio to celebrate your pregnancy. Our naturalistic style is perfect for simple silhouettes, stunning portraits and casual lifestyle photography - bring your partner and family for fun group shots


Portrait, femme, book, paris


Modern and elegant portrait photography session for women of all ages, where the focus is on creating elegant and timeless images.
Also a fun makeover experience!

Couple, sexy, glamour, boudoir, séance photo, cadeau, insolite, amour, complicité, bcommeb

The couple shoot

A couple shoot is much more than a lingerie story.

It's a sacred moment full of  complicity that puts in memory

your reciprocal Love. 


Il peut arriver qu'à un moment de votre vie, vous ne vous sentiez pas à l'aise avec votre corps et votre image. vous souhaitez être accompagner afin de regagner confiance en vous. 

Vous avez cette puissance en vous, cette force que vous ressentez, Ce sentiment de vouloir vous reprendre en main et de vous sentir à nouveau belle et bien dans vos baskets!

Sautez le pas et reprenez le pouvoir.

Je vous accompagne en individuel à Paris ou lors de retraites accompagnée de coach. 

Voici le programme 2023.

Vue de la Tour Eiffel

La Parisienne 


A la demande

450 €


Femmes iconiques


21/07- 24/07


désert de sable

Femmes Iconiques


septembre 2023


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A quick look at some of the portraits of women:

photographie, boudoir, lingerie
Séance Photo, portrait, boudoir, mode
20191017,  Séance photo, boudoir, glamo
20191017,  Séance photo, boudoir, glamo

My boudoir photography style

Our style is modern, chic and tasteful - classic photos that you can look back on years and still appreciate. Whether your taste is hot or reserved, playful or seductive, we can adapt our sessions to accommodate you. Our photography is a wonderful way to showcase your femininity and sensuality for yourself or for a partner. Our clients all attest to having found a newfound confidence after the photo shoot, and although they may be a little stressed, they quickly relax and simply enjoy the experience. Check out our FAQ for any questions you may have.

Portrait, sensuelle, femme, photographe, paris
Boudoir, Sensuelle, sexy,
Boudoir, Sensuelle, sexy,
Inscrivez-vous avec votre adresse e-mail pour recevoir des nouvelles de nos offres spéciales, y compris des remises & des cadeaux.

Merci de vous être abonné !

About paris boudoir photo shoots

Having a dedicated, purpose-built boudoir photo studio in Paris that is both welcoming and friendly means that you will be totally relaxed and at ease during your shoot. Hiring the best makeup artists and hairdressers also ensures that you will look your best, They  will also take care of you when you arrive and get you settled. All of your photos are strictly private and will not be used for display in the studio or online. Your comfort and discretion are of paramount importance to us. Take a look at STUDIO.

inspiration,  boudoir, sensuel, photographie
portrait, sensuelle, mode, photographe, paris
portrait, sensuelle, paris, photographe







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